Papua Churches – Power of God Rocks Irian Jaya

Papua Churches – Power of God Rocks Irian Jaya

Irian Jaya (now known as Papua), Indonesia ministering with Pastor Wondiwoy and interviewing children who were touched by the power of God. As a boy I often fell asleep in church. I know God has shown up in a service when the young are electrified and on fire, actively engaged, enthusiastic and eager to participate and share how God has touched them. Ministering throughout Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim nation, was incredible as the power of God was outstanding and truly amazing. I saw two Muslim young ladies run to the altar with tears streaming down their cheeks after they saw the supernatural power of the risen Christ demonstrated. I look forward to returning to wonderful Indonesia and visiting more Papua churches and connecting with my family of faith throughout Indonesia.

papua indonesia

Paul and Pastor Wondiwoy interview youth

Papua churches hungry for the power of God are welcome to contact Paul and invite him to return to minister across Indonesia. Any islands or cities in Indonesia in need of a church are also welcome to reach out to Paul to hold revival meetings to win souls and plant new churches. Paul is a miracle working evangelist to win souls and prophet of God to revive and impart spiritual gifts to strengthen churches and raise up leaders in the body of Christ to revive and reform the nations for the glory of God.



Papua Churches – Power of God Rocks Irian Jaya