Blessed – Lucky – Live Right

Blessed – Lucky – Live Right

Better than luck, or being lucky as some say, is the intelligence and wisdom to simply live right; whereby you attract the blessing of God. Obedience to God and His Word produce blessings, whereby disobedience produces curses and disaster. Simple obedience can cause you to be blessed, lucky in the eyes of some, but steadfast, faithful and attractive to Almighty God whose eyes search the earth looking for pure hearts and lives to draw near to, cover, clothe with His Holy Spirit and bless abundantly in Jesus Christ (John 10:10).

This being said, choose life and obey the word of life in God to be blessed, live in the light of God’s Word, truly be lucky and experience the joy and great harvest of prosperity within and material wealth through your wise decision to simply guard your heart and life as you live right.




Blessed – Lucky – Live Right