The Love of Money – The Root of Evil
“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1Timothy 6:10).
I recently and sadly learned of a dear friend who I had not spoke to in some years with whom I lived for my first of two years while attending Bible College in southern California. His mother would often drive from Nevada to California to spend time with and care for him in his 20s as he mentally was not well. I just learned via a few newspapers and news tv channels a year or two ago my friend (who apparently was caring for his elderly mother, she being about 80 years of age) was not feeding her and was apparently using some of the $2,000 monthly pension money she received for himself. As a result, when his dear mother (who I also knew and loved) died, my friend didn’t have her body removed and instead covered the dead corpse with 20 ice bags on her bed so he could continue to receive pension checks for some months, until family and friends went to check on his mother and discovered her body was in the third state of bodily decomposition.
Suffice it to say, thereafter my friend was arrested and put in jail until a mental and psychiatric evaluation could be performed. That being said, when we love money and things more than people, we often make bad decisions, live with death and watch decay occur all around us. Being monetary motivated is not good for mental health, personal wellbeing, your relationships, nor your personal happiness. In the end, the love of money destroys lives, causes premature deaths and people to self-destruct, unravel and come undone.
Beware of the love of money. Guard your heart and life lest the same happens to you. Don’t pierce your soul with many sorrows and self-destruct because of the of love of money. Choose to live a life of love, faith, holiness and purity.
Love of Money – The Root of Evil