International Affairs and Foreign Policy Poems: Global Insight and Cross-Cultural Perspective To Collaborate, Cooperate and Create Peace in Our World


- Downloadable E-Book

Product details
Publication date : January 2, 2013
Language : English
File size : 577 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 56 pages
Lending : Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #5,671,910 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
#3,241 in International Diplomacy (Kindle Store)
#3,687 in Globalization (Kindle Store)
#3,810 in 90-Minute Politics & Social Sciences Short Reads

SKU: book12 Category:

International Relations and Foreign Policy Perspective

Going to war and court is deadly, costly, time-consuming, painful and counterproductive. Cultivating mutual respect and building meaningful relationships for collaboration however is empowering, productive and profitable.

Nations and regional allies therefore are embracing peace as a path to economic prosperity, development and growth. Alternative methods of dispute resolution, mediation, and arbitration are increasingly being pursued before dehumanizing others with different viewpoints and perspectives.

The world in which we live is going global, becoming more multicultural, interactive and mutually dependent. Constructive engagement among developing countries, industrialized nations and power blocks in geopolitics is the order of the day and here to stay.

No longer will one nation dominate and lord itself over the rest of the world, play the global police force, and exert its militaristic might as the master of all. Only as nations come together to combine strengths, cooperate and honor one another will they shine and stand tall.

Global challenges have set the stage not for lecturing, but listening. Nations and leaders who do so shall grow in influence, while the rest will live impoverished in isolation with their ears closed.

The challenges of the 21st century will be overcome by states that align together strategically to collectively tackle problems and perils. Diplomacy, dialogue, the ability to listen and act respectfully being mindful of all humanity is the recipe for success and an honorable legacy for posterity

Paul F. Davis is a global peacemaker, worldwide motivational speaker and prophetic voice who has touched 70 countries with life-changing messages to build nations, their economies and people.

Paul is the author of several books including ‘United States of Arrogance’ and ‘God vs. Religion.’ Celebrating diversity and upholding the dignity of humanity, Paul empowers people to work together harmoniously and creatively solve problems peaceably to fulfill their dreams.