Spiritual Warrior – Spiritual Warfare and Breakthrough

Spiritual Warrior – Spiritual Warfare and Breakthrough

Paul F. Davis is a spiritual warrior who has overcome intense amounts of personal pain, adversity and suffering through which he experientially has gained much wisdom, knowledge, understanding and insight. Paul from his fiery furnace of affliction has come forth to impart pearls of divine revelation and displays in his ministry supernatural manifestation resulting in life transformation for God’s glory. A spiritual warrior who is truly spiritual and not just high-minded, Paul births a spiritual awakening within hearts and minds, while imparting deep tangible and exuberant joy, a love of life and a unique understanding of our loving Creator. A spiritual warrior overflowing with spiritual life, the hand of God on Pauls’ life is evident by the free-flowing inspiration, supernatural manifestations and evidence of transformation occurring in those who hear the words of life and receive of the Holy Spirit moving through Paul.

Undeniably, Paul is a spiritual warrior under the hand of the Almighty (Jesus Christ) with the ability to touch and transform humanity with divine healing for the total person emotionally, mentally and physically.

As a spiritual warrior Paul has a unique ability to hear the voice of God, naturally bring forth the supernatural in a playful and heartfelt fashion, unlock and simply explain divine mysteries, impart life-changing revelation and usher in powerful manifestations of God with divine healing and deliverance for humanity bringing heaven to earth.

Paul is a spiritual warrior who has diligently written and authored more than 90 published books (20 fully illustrated for children) including:

IMAGES of JESUS ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B39PSGP6

Imágenes de Jesús – (Spanish) ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BBJR9Q2Z

WINGS OF WORSHIP (fully illustrated) ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTRXDY2Z

SUPERNATURAL FIRE ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K3T9KYC

WAVES OF GOD ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1723991627

FAITH TO CONQUER ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FHD3L2F

GOD vs RELIGION ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1723898589

Paul’s compassion for people and passion to travel has taken him to 90 nations and 6 continents of the world where he as a spiritual warrior has had a tremendous impact. Paul has lived in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe whereby he thrives in cross-cultural settings and connecting with people worldwide. As a spiritual warrior and leader of his nonprofit organization Dream-Maker Ministries; Paul builds dreams, transcends limitations and revives nations.

If you are hungry for a spiritual warrior with divine insight, transformative revelation and supernatural manifestations confirming the Word of God through him to revolutionize your world and supernatural power to enable you to fully experience heaven, connect with your heavenly Father and Christ Jesus the Savior, then invite Paul to minister in your city and country.








Spiritual Warrior – Spiritual Warfare and Breakthrough