Supernatural Power of God – Poder Supernatural

Supernatural Power of God – Poder Supernatural

”There is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of  the Almighty gives them understanding” (Job 32:8).

Paul F. Davis is a Prophet to the nations (Jeremiah 1:4-10), born again by the Word and Spirit of God (1Peter 1:23; John 3:5-8), anointed and appointed by God, supernaturally visited, extensively and sufficiently trained (both spiritually and academically) by the best and the brightest in the body of Christ and within academia at several top universities. Paul has traveled to 90 nations and lived in North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa; Paul being a multicultural professional, international educator and culturally sensitive minister. 

Most importantly, Paul is sensitive to the Holy Spirit and hears the voice of God; being fearless and willing to speak and reveal what God says and shows him. Paul is a student and preacher of the Word of God, it being the foundation and source of guidance for all of Paul’s spiritual activity and works of ministry.

Supernatural Ministry Videos 

Paul is a licensed educator in the states of Florida and California, who has earned 4 Master degrees with honors:

  • Global Affairs (New York University)
  • Global Food Law (Michigan State College of Law)
  • Health (University of Alabama)
  • Educational Leadership (University of Texas)

Paul earned his undergraduate Bachelor degree from UCF (Orlando, Florida) and is a UCLA trained College & Career Counselor.

Paul graduated from the charter class (1992-1994) of Spirit Life Bible College, led by Roberts Liardon, author of the God’s Generals series and served two years in Operation 500, serving as a missionary throughout Asia, where Paul saw the hand of God move mightily and miraculously among Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims to win the lost to Christ Jesus.

Paul has completed courses in Old and New Testament with Marilyn Hickey Bible College, Bible Institute courses with Pastor Benny Hinn (his former Pastor for two and a half years, 1990-1992, prior to going to Bible College, during which time Paul went on his first missions trip to Russia, served on the inner city evangelism team and ministered to inmates in a local prison), a week with Pastor Jack Hayford in the School of Pastoral Nurture, church planting training with the Foursquare Church, and Chi Alpha university campus ministry training with the Assemblies of God.

The Holy Spirit of God is the Source of all divine inspiration, the Word of God (2Timothy 3:16), the unction empowering and enabling any person to prophesy (1John 2:20,27), and the means by which heavenly vision, divine wisdom, the voice of the Lord and insightful guidance originate and flow forth (Ephesians 1:17-19).

Paul therefore strives to be mindful of the holy Scriptures and led by the Holy Spirit in all that he says and does when ministering to people. Anything less and motivated otherwise lacks the purity of God’s heart and Presence of the Holy Spirit, which alone can touch, positively change and miraculously transform lives. 

Undeniably, God has performed special miracles through Paul (Acts 19:11) and Jesus shall continue to do so, our beloved Christ being the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

The component of faith plays a vital role and element in prophesying (Romans 12:6), when we hear God’s voice (John 10:27; 16:13), reveal what the Almighty is saying and showing in visions and dreams (Acts 2:17).

 Truly the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy (Revelation 19:10). Moreover God has said in His Word that He does nothing before first revealing it to His servants the prophet (Amos 3:7).

Thus our heavenly Father wants to reveal the future to us (John 16:13) and unlock the mysteries of heaven, His will, purpose, plans and intention for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). After all human beings were created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-28) and therefore most certainly have unique heavenly callings, mandates, missions, ministries and destinies for which God has prepared them (Psalm 139:15-17; Ephesians 2:10).

Prophetic ministry can help reveal and unlock the pieces of the puzzle to your life, clarify God’s plans and purposes, while healing you from past pain, empowering you to transcend current struggles, break free from addictions, shatter strongholds standing against you, and liberate you to be free from the past to accelerate and move forward into all God has for you now and in your future.

The Bible tells us to covet to prophesy (1Corinthians 14:39) because this spiritual gift has the creative power to impart supernaturally, activate gifts and callings dynamically, and pull people into their divine destiny miraculously. Moreover prophesy has the power to reveal the secrets of our hearts and cause people, even unbelievers, to embrace the truth, humble themselves, repent and worship the living God (1Corinthians 14:24-25). Thus prophetic ministry can lead to purification, sanctification, relational reconciliation, personal transformation and divine activation. Thus prophecy is a valuable and priceless gift.

Paul is the author of 90 books including:

  • Conquering Covid-19
  • Faith To Conquer
  • Creativity
  • Wealthy Mind
  • Success Principles
  • Supernatural Fire
  • Waves of God
  • God vs. Religion
  • Breakthrough For A Broken Heart
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Update Your Identity
  • Empowering & Liberating Women To Achieve Greatness
  • College Match & Self-Discovery
  • College Advice
  • College Admissions
  • Gap Year Success Travel Guide

Global Humanitarian Work

* Worked at Ground Zero in New York City the first week of September 11, 2001

* Helped rebuild a home for a Muslim family at the tsunami epicenter (Banda Aceh, Indonesia)

* Comforted genocide victims in Rwanda, Africa

* Inspired and encouraged democracy leaders in Timor Leste during the war for independence

* Ministered to and motivated students and monks in Myanmar

* Preached peace, religious tolerance and reconciliation in Pakistan (prior to Osama Bin Laden being captured therein)

* Empowered Pastors and village leaders deep in rural Africa

* Fed and ministered to the hungry in impoverished Haiti


  • Master Trainer, Association of Talent Development (2016)
  • Administrative Law Award (U.S. Federal Agencies) – Michigan State College of Law (2013)
  • U.S. Army Major General Terry honorable recognition – Keynote Speaker: Soldier Suicide Prevention (2012)
  • U.S. State Department, Diplomatic Missions – Foreign Service (2011-2012) U.S. Embassy in Timor Leste
  • Speaker: Patrick Air Force Base, Florida (2009) Sexual Harassment Assault Readiness Prevention (SHARP)
  • Enrichment Lecturer and Clergy at Sea for Royal Caribbean, Celebrity and Princess Cruises (2009-Present).
  • International Security Scholarship, University of Sussex (2010)
  • World Peace Scholar, International Rotary Club nominee (2010)
  • Seminole County Schools Service Award (2003-2004)
  • UCF Center for Multilingual Multicultural Studies Service Recognition (2003)
  • Camp Challenge, Easter Seal Society for Disabled Service Recognition (1993)

To God be the glory for the great things He has done, is doing and shall do. Only believe and you will see the glory of God (John 11:40) and be shown great and mighty things (Jeremiah 33:3) when you draw near to God (James 4:8).

All offerings are appreciated, for which I pray God will bless and increase you, multiplying your seed sown.

I pray you flourish, advance and increase as you give to God, His work and ministers.


Zelle Pay – available by Paul’s email


Supernatural Power of God – Poder Supernatural