Tech Giants Tax Evasion

Tech Giants Tax Evasion

@revivalforthenations RevivingNations@yahoo,com #fraud #irs #doj #taxes #fairtax #bernie #berniesanders #congress #usa #elizabethwarren #chuckgrassley #antitrust #microsoft #siliconvalley #siliconsix #google #youtube #alphabet #attorneygeneral #aoc #nyc #bayarea #sf #linkedin #tech #bigtech #techgiants #censorship #freedom #trump #randpaul #maga #america #taxevasion #corporatefraud #csr #netneutrality #ca #oc #la #hollywood #california #fl #florida #miami #orlando #ga #atlanta #bollywood #india #delhi

♬ original sound – RevivalForTheNations

The tech giants of Silicon Valley, California are skillful at tax evasion and breaking the law. How unfair. American citizens pay their fair share of tax, but tech giants with billions of dollars are committing tax evasion and getting away with it. Moreover, tech giants harvest personal data of Americans online, which tech giants later sell without our permission to companies, government agencies and the U.S. military. Tech giants should be held accountable and not be allowed to bribe politicians to operate above the law. No giant corporation should be allowed to commit tax evasion while operating and profiting in the United States, especially not arrogant tech giants that steal Americans’ data illegally and make merchandise of it without citizens’ authorization and permission.



Tech Giants Tax Evasion