Truth Online – Google Gone Wild

Truth Online – Google Gone Wild

Truth online, does it even exist any more?

Excellent and important topic indeed, because as you now see online, Google has watered down the quality of its search engine, placing its ads on the top right and left margins, along with on the bottom now (accounting for 50% of all information on the page and thereby watering down the validity of it, but maximizing its own profitability). Thus bloggers and newspapers alike are finding it very difficult to even appear on the first page of Google and even been seen anymore.

Ethics as it relates to the financial interests driving content of newspapers and bloggers is the next concern, further frustrating and obscuring the truth from readers and consumers of “news” as we know it.

Keep up the excellent work and fighting the good fight, as this world needs so much more to be written about on this important topic.

Paul F. Davis

Zelle (


Truth Online – Google Gone Wild